Exclusive Ananda Renew Program

7 days

Exclusive Ananda Renew Program

Ananda’s signature comprehensive wellness programs are immersive to achieve transformative results. These programs are more intense with higher number of therapies each day combined with several personal sessions of yoga, meditation, and fitness, depending on the specific goals of the program. These programs include continuous wellness consultations with experts through the duration to guide and monitor progress with strong emphasis on personalized diet plans specific to each program and wellness goal.

Ananda Renew Program

Both age and health are reflected in skin, bones and joints. As the body's largest organ skin is the first layer of defence from external factors, but often due to several factors including unhealthy diet, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, environmental pollution and smoking its ability to work as an effective barrier is impaired.

The Renew programme using Ayurvedic, Oriental and International therapies works on building skin health and unlocks youthful essence through skin cleansing and skin nourishment. This programme also improves musculo-skeletal health and provides relief from muscle stiffness, rheumatism and arthritis. Includes therapies to detoxify the skin and renovate underlying skin issues, and nourish the skin by hydrating, lubricating, and rejuvenating skin cells. The second phase includes beneficial Ayurvedic therapies to reduce wrinkle formation by nourishing and hydrating.

It also improves blood circulation by cleansing the channels of lymphatic circulation thereby enhancing toxin elimination. Special oil blends are used for facial skin healing and combined with ancient marma massage and light nurturing stokes. This helps to purify and open up the energy field of the face & neck. After this, you experience improved skin health & improved lymphatic drainage. Uses therapies to improve circulation, helping in removing ama or metabolic waste, thereby improving agni or metabolic fire, soothing the musculoskeletal system. Stimulating

therapies improve energy flow within the body and restore the body’s natural equilibrium. Besides improved skin health, overall benefits from the program are improved joint flexibility, strengthened muscular system, and slowing of the degeneration process.

Who is this program for: For vitality of skin and hair, and joint care. Also for those experiencing skin allergies.


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